来源:http://www.asiatungstens.com 浏览量:6781 时间:2014-12-03
Bucking bar is a work tool received behind work surfaces to provide abacking member in applying impact fasteners and including intermitted toolheadand handle parts with a low-recoil impact-absorbing spacer provided therebetween to take shock loads in compression and shear.
Bucking bars are used on the backside of a metal rivet to counter theforce of the hammering on the other side. They also can be used to absorb theforce of rivet guns, reducing the vibration of bucking.
Bucking bars used to form bucktails on rivets. And come in manydifferent shapes and sizes. They are normally made from an alloy steel similarto tool steel. The particular shape to be used depends upon the location andaccessibility of the rivet to be driven.
The size and weight of the bar depend on the size and alloy of therivet to be driven. Under certain circumstances, and for specific rivetinstallations, specially designed bucking bars are manufacturedlocally.